How to Start Business Online

How to Start Business Online and Work with Tutorman

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Work with Tutorman

Hey Friend, it’s Leo here 🙂
Digital marketer, investor fundraiser legacy builder and also known as Tutorman.

Im here to share with you something that can and will change your life!

Listen carefully my friend,

This is for you if you are a new marketer and want to make money online;

This is also for you if you want to take your business to the next level

I’m here today to share with you the 3 steps that i used to retire;

and i’m going to share the secrets on how to start and grow your
own profitable online business.

It’s no fake statement to say that i’m a six figure marketer and i’m going to share the same exact step by microstep process that helped me to
semi-retire 4 years ago today!

Let’ begin,.. right,

Financial Success – D + V + W

which means:
Financial Success is equal to a dream plus a vehicle plus work.

The vehicle my friend is something that’s going to take you from where
you are today to where you want to go!

If you want to look down on this page, you are going to see the 7 things
a business must have before you invest.
(this is not investment advice)

And that’s going to then SHOW YOU THE VEHICLE, that I believe; the only vehicle that i am using to start and grow a successful online business!

Isn’t that cool? It’s really cool!

Now i’m going to show you how you can make $500 in a single day!

But, my friend this is the key: (01:37)

The Key:

1. You need to write it down!
So if you are willing to write down your goal, with a date …
For example: ‘I Leo Hokkanen have in my possession $300,000 on this day, the 31st of December, 2020’; and then you sign it!

Isn’t that cool? It’s really cool that you can write that down!

And when you write it down something magical starts to happen when you start to apply regular daily action towards your goal!

3 Biggest Online Marketing Mistakes:

Alright, what are the 3 Biggest Mistakes that Marketer’s Make Online?
And these are the same mistakes I made when I was starting and growing my business!

I did not have a mentor;

I did not have a proven program to follow;

I lacked focus!

And so at that time when i was starting my business online in 2012;
i went to google and did a search for:
‘make money online’; and ‘make money online mentor’
and to tell you the truth my friend, all that happened to me was
I kept going around in cirlces; and after 3 times (months) working on it full-time, i was only able to make on $17 commission on an affiliate product…

But i did learn something my friend!

1 – You need a mentor with fruit on the tree;

2 – You need a proven program that is step by microstep, that has helped hundreds of other people to make commissions online; and

3 – You need that ‘laser focus’, which a mentor can help you stay on track and help you to overcome all of your challenges, when you meet with them!

Step #2 – Get a Mentor, Get a Proven Program and FOCUS!

Step #3 – Take Massive Action!

Isn’t that cool? That if you could have those 3 things, and then take massive action, then you my friend can meet with success!

I’m here to share with you some more secrets, so let’s begin…

What if i could show you ‘MY CASE STUDY’
WHERE, (You Can) use the exact same steps I used to retire online !
Wouldn’t that be cool?

‘MY CASE STUDY – How I Retired’

My Case Study - How I Retired

Well if you look at the menu there, you are going to see ‘MY CASE STUDY – How I Retired’ and you can look at those 20 steps that I used to retire, way back 4 years ago, in 2016!

Now I’m also going to show you, those steps; step by micro-step with over the shoulder recording videos and you will find them in

When you become a mentee of mine, you will be able to access the Tutorman Blueprint; Step by Micro-Step video series that’s going to help you
start and grow your business!

Isn’t that cool? It’s absolutely awesome that you will be able to do that! And it’s all step by micro-step!

One thing that i learned when I was starting and growing my business was that, i didn’t know it at the time, but i realized it later; that
taking imperfect…

Imperfect Action On My Ideas Would Ultimately Lead to My Success!

And that’s what i’m doing here my friend with this one-take video recording!

Now, my promise to you,

My Big Promise, My Friend

‘Is that I’m going to help you to reach financial freedom
because I’m an insider and I know those 3 steps that you need to
complete so that you can be on the road to financial success!’

It’s so easy that 1000s have achieved it!

My success is not being questioned because I did make $28,000;
in a single month; and more than 100,000 in a single year, in 2016.

And if you look below, you will see a video that proves my income earnings of 58000 euro dollars!

There are more than 1000 people in our business that are making money online, so that my friend is proven; were making tens of thousands of dollars per month and we’ve got more than 1000 people who are earning income!

So that proves my friend that this is a proven program that others can do ; newbies just like you and others that want to take their business to a higher level; and they are all making money!

So there must be some truth in this if more than 1000 people are making money with this, true or true?>

It’s absolutely true!

Now we are reaching the hundreds of thousands of people who have looked at our opportunity; and over the course of the next few months; we are going to share this with more than a million people;

and you are positioned my friend to take maximum advantage when you follow that proven blueprint;

Tutorman Blueprint!

Tutorman Blueprint

I’m going to share my story now! 06:39

It was back in 2012 when i started my online journey,and for 4 months full-time I battled at it, to make one commission of $17.

I had no mentor with fruit on the tree;
I had no proven program and
I had no focus!

So if you are confused and frustrated don’t worry because i’m here to save you, and i’m looking to help 10 people personally face to face
and online, now obviously were being isolated at the moment, so it’s going to have to be online and on the phone!

And I’m going towork with you personally in real time to help you to overcome all of your challeges and go from ZERO to $500 online!

How does that sound?

Isn’t that cool? It’s really cool!

So what happened to me my friend, was that once I had built a successful business in 2016; and i was semi retired; what happened was,

Like an arrow passing through my heart my 5 year old son and
best mate passed away due to an undetected brain tumor called a medulloblastoma.

To bring meaning an positivity to the passing of my best mate and son Dana, I decided to create a charity in his name; to raise 2.26 million dollars towards a worthy cause that is developing a technology that can non-invasively detect cancer.

Thats my reason why i do what i do, my calling in life:

Moving right along my friend… 08:18.

Whht happened in that year of 2016, was i started to have panick attacks and mental illness!

Luckily of the next 12 months I wasable to overcome all of my mental demons! And it was all caused by the stress and emotionalstate i was in after the passing of my son!

The great thing is that this is apositive thingmy friend!

That i’m on a journey with my son Dana, to complete his legacy and at the same time to help enough other people to get what they want, so that i can get what i want! Which is the completion of Dana’s legacy!

So what happened after that was …once my business had reached 28,000 per month (in income), the mother company stopped paying everybody!

So all the affiliates had their incomes stopped, as a result the mother company collapsed!

One of the things with me is that there were several opportunities that
i had gotten involved in that have all turned out to be S-C-A-M-S.
Scams, so why is that?

Those ‘7 Things That a Business Must Have Before You Invest’ in them; do watch that video because it’s going to share with you how you can eliminate getting involved in a scam!

And that’s very important because a lot of people get involved in something that’s new and it’s not proven my friend;
And because it’s not proven, a lot of businesses do go under!
I could name them, I could list all those businesses that have gone under

7 Things a Business Opportunity Must Have Before You Get Started!

But it doesn’t matter because today i’m gonna be sharing
with you something that has proven the ‘test of time’ and by watching that video below you’ll be able tosee the 7 things that a business must have in rder for it to succeed! To be a good opportunity to get involved in:

How does that sound, good or good, it is very good!

Well after that what have i done?

In 2019 i went back to China to teach English to Children between the ages of 3-5, to try and give back to children around the world
because my son, my little hero was 5 years of age and i wanted to give back to children, so that’s what i did!

But while i was over there i had a dream; in that dream my parents and my son dana were in that dreamand they have all passed on.

I basically got spooked by the dream, what it was tell me was, i had to return to my country to focus on achieving danas legacy!

Because we are all on this planet for a limited amount of time;
weve got alimited amount of time and resources toachieve some significant things in our lives and the key for me was to getstarted on that ASAP

so that i could achieve that in my lifetime!

The samemy friend may apply to you too!

Were here for alimited time so lets do something significant with what we are =doing in our lives and i cannot think of anything more significant
that achieving legacies that are going to be passed on to (future) generations.

Isn’t that cool? It’s really cool!

*I was going through my emails, as marketers we look at our emails
and there is an email there:
So I click on that and it says ‘heres your gift’, your surprise!
So I clicked on that link and it took me to the opportunity I am sharing with you here today! (12:03)

Work with Tutorman

Presentation Template:

Break state
Fun and Easy Environment
I’m here to serve you

Control the Audience
Bring Them Into The Conversation
Excite Imagination

Get Audience to Agree
7 Yeses = Control
Be fun to say “YES” to!
Small commitments = Big commitment

Make a BIG promise
Show them the “Agenda”
Future Pacing
Open Loops

Your Past Successes
Borrow Credibility
What Makes You Different

How You Got Started
Aspiration and Frustration
Facts Tell, Stories Sell 🙂

Your Rock Bottom and How You Felt

What changed You!
Life Because of the “system/product”

What is your family life like

Because of your new found success!

No Results, Overwhelm
98% Vs 2%
Point Out Specifics

Show Stats
Turn Up The Pain

Talk About Your “WHY”
Introduce Your Product
People Buy Benefits, Not Features!
What They Get
What Will You Do For Them?


What’s Your “Fight”?
What Drives You?

Personal Proof
Borrowed Proof
(don’t forget disclaimers!)
The More Proof The Better
Make Sure It’s Legit!!!

Make a Difference
Future Pacing

Sell the DREAM
Talk in Terms of “US”
It’s NEVER About Just You!

Be Specific and Certain!
Confidence! Confidence!

Why Should They Buy Now Instead of 2 Months From Now?
Special Deal?
Limited Availability?

Limited in Quantity?
Limited in Time?

Don’t Abuse this technique

To Your Success,
Helping People to Help Themselves and Freeing the World.

Business Building Program and Personal One On One Coaching:

Tutorman Blueprint

Bonuses for Joining from Tutorman:

✅ My Case Study – How I Retired!
✅ Tutorman Blueprint Video Training Series.
✅ Step By Micro-Step Videos
✅ All-In-One Marketing and Automation System
✅ A Copy-Cat WordPress Website without Hosting.
✅ Tutorman ‘in Real Time’ Coaching to Success!
✅ Focus – Overcome all Your Marketing Challenges Now!
Wow… a Total value OVER $4,997 per month in value!
Claim your bonuses and work with Tutorman!
You could be earning as early as today!

Click the Button Below to Sign Up Now!

Work with Tutorman